4 Blog

Unlock the potential of natural language processing for your company

Unlock the potential of natural language processing for your company

When speaking of data, the first thought is usually a digital collection of tables with predominantly numerical values. Yet, unconsciously, many companies are sitting on ...
How to build a successful Machine Learning team

How to build a successful Machine Learning team

In a successful machine learning project, in addition to the famous data scientist, various roles with their own specialization must be filled. To help you keep track of ...
What are the advantages of machine learning projects for businesses?

What are the advantages of machine learning projects for businesses?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) projects are becoming increasingly attractive in national and international companies. However, the effort ...
The Machine Learning Workflow - a concept and its application

The Machine Learning Workflow - a concept and its application

There is no guarantee for successful machine learning projects - but we show you how to steer the project on the right track and increase your chances for the home ...
How to use text mining and NLP to increase your blog success

How to use text mining and NLP to increase your blog success

The potential of machine learning and advanced analytics is not limited to the structured data that can be easily extracted from a database or data warehouse. An even ...
Apache Airflow ETL - Get inspired by the possibilities

Apache Airflow ETL - Get inspired by the possibilities

Running ETL workflows with Apache Airflow means relying on state-of-the-art workflow management. It orchestrates recurring processes that organize, manage and move their ...
Apache Airflow Best Practices - Our tips for users

Apache Airflow Best Practices - Our tips for users

Getting started with the workflow management platform Apache Airflow is easy. Workflows are defined, scheduled and executed with simple Python scripts. The provided web ...
Automated Time Series Forecasting using Machine Learning

Automated Time Series Forecasting using Machine Learning

Forecasts and predictions of future values play an important role in various business areas to make better and more substantiated business decisions. For the ...
Success factors and pitfalls in a Machine Learning Project

Success factors and pitfalls in a Machine Learning Project

With an incredible range of applications and rapidly developing frameworks, machine learning is a fascinating topic. More and more companies are incorporating this ...
Apache Airflow - Next Level Cron Alternative for ETL Workflows

Apache Airflow - Next Level Cron Alternative for ETL Workflows

The business world communicates, thrives and operates in the form of data. The new life essence that connects tomorrow with today must be masterfully kept in motion. ...